Ask The Rabbi
Rabbi Benyamin Yosef
Dear Get-less in New York
As per your request, I did speak with your husband. You forgot to tell me many things.
You forgot to tell me how you slandered him in various newspapers on multiple
occasions. How you continually denied him his children to the point that the civil court
judge put you in jail. How you absconded with the children for almost two years causing
the civil court to issue an arrest warrant for you. How you made continual false
accusations of child abuse & neglect. How that after your husband obtained sole
custody, you conspired with the youngest child ordering him to run away from fathers
house which caused the child to spend over a year ‘parent-less’ in a foster home. But,
worst of all; you’ve taught your children thievery, hatred, and vindictiveness. You have
totally damaged your children. No amount of counseling can fix what you caused and it
is evident that you are still not done.
You need to understand; no matter how many times you call yourself an agunah, you
are NOT an Agunah. You are a thief, a gonnif. You stole money and possessions from
your husband, you stole his children, you stole from people who believed they were
giving real charity and you stole from friends and relatives. How do you live with yourself
on Yom Kipper?
I was truly appalled and sickened that she enlisted and involved her children to help
create an advertisement in the Jewish Press Newspaper of July 14, 2006 (18 Tammuz
5766) among other papers, requesting Tzedakah (Charity) from people in the name of
her children. How sad that she lied to procure funds from people who thought they were
giving to a real charity, when in fact, she just didn’t want to spend her own money.
Collecting over $50,000 dollars in made-up charity!
Collecting charity on false pretenses and involving her children is wrong on so many
levels. Again, this just shows her inherent nature for thievery. She needs to contact
everyone who gave her charity and return their money immediately; but we know she
will never do this.
You are the type of woman no man would ever want, so a get would really do you no
good. No man would ever want you after the things you have done. You will always be
alone and die alone. After speaking with your husband who has since remarried and
has moved on with his life; surprisingly holds no grudge or hatred, he only insists that
you follow Halacha, which is obviously something that you cannot do.
I advised your husband that before he gives you a get, that you must do ‘Teshuva’
(repentance) for what you did: you need to reimburse your husband, you need to fix the
damage you caused between your husband and children, you need to apologize to
everyone that you caused to be involved in this calamity. You would need to also
publicly apologize for smearing your husband’s name. Basically, you need to put things
back like they were before you went to civil court. I also reminded your husband that
according to Talmud Baba Kama, you would be required to pay double if not more for
your thievery.
Your children know you abandoned your husband and filed in civil court. They will be
scared every night of their life believing that you might abandon them just like you did
your husband. How much more so since you picked your husband and did not actually
pick your children.
So go ahead and keep calling yourself an Agunah, keep calling your husband a
recalcitrant husband, and keep calling his request for reimbursement, blackmail or
extortion. You are a Gonnif (thief), your stolen money will only hurt you and your bones
will weaken until the day you die, alone. You have proven yourself to be an atrocious
wife, a terrible parent, and a hypocritical Jew.
You give true agunot a bad name. Obviously to you, money and hurting people
including your children are more important than a get. You have caused your children,
and likely your children’s children irreparable damage with no signs of remorse. I have
asked your husband for permission to print your name. For this moment, he has said:
“Not yet.”
Rav Yosef
Dear Rabbi Yosef
I know this rabbi who was caught shtupping two of his congregants (for quite some
time) and he lost his job. Another rabbi who had child pornography on his computer and
he lost his job. Another who was photographing women in the Mikveh (Barry Freundel)
and he lost his job. Another who misappropriated synagogue funds and yes, he lost his
job, and yet another with numerous seruvs (contempt’s) against him. The problem with
all these rabbis, is that they just move on to another town, hang out their rabbi shingle
and start all over again.
My question is: How many scandals, shtupping, embezzlements and seruv’s can an
orthodox rabbi have before he can no longer preach the words of the Torah about right
and wrong?
I am a graduate student going to YU (Yeshiva University) to become a rabbi and would
like to know how much shtupping, embezzlement, mikveh movies and seruv’s I can
have before I must turn in my rabbi hat? Is there a set amount of women? Dollar
amount? Gigabytes of mikveh movies? Or major halacha wrong decisions? YU does not
have a class on this (at least not yet, but they probably should).
I don’t have any agenda here except to understand how much out of bounds a rabbi can
do and still deliver Torah lectures about right and wrong.
I don’t judge a rabbi for porking his secretary, but I do start chuckling when he stands up
in shul to preach about right and wrong. There he goes tying together some obscure
rabbinic commentary and all I think about is him shtupping some of his congregants. Am
I the only one who sees this? Why is this rabbi not embarrassed standing in front of the
congregation lecturing on right and wrong?
Is there no organization that oversees rabbis and can remove their title? Perhaps telling
them that they should be a used car or aluminum siding salesmen instead? Perhaps a
Beth Din (Jewish Court) could remove their rabbinical title? When I mentioned this to my
local rabbi friend, he commented: shtupping and bribery are the perks when you
become a Beth Din Rabbi, so it would be like talking to the deaf. What sayith you?
Almost a YU Rabbi
Dear Almost a YU Rabbi
Very interesting comments. There is quite a bit of truth in your satire. Unfortunately,
most congregants are blind lemmings, one following after the next and would rather
follow a shtupping, embezzling, mikveh photographing serev rabbi than (heaven forbid)
have to drive 10 minutes further to change shuls.
Rabbi Benyamin Yosef
Some letters have been been edited for sake of readability.